Remote and Flexible Learning

Update 16/7/2021- Remote and Flexible learning

Dear Bundarra family,

As you will have heard the Victorian Government has now declared a snap lockdown from midnight Thursday 15th July, 2021until next Tuesday night (20th July, 2021). That means that we will return to remote learning from 9am today 16th July. There is a chance that regional Victoria may come out of lockdown earlier, and if that happens we’ll contact you with details.

The Bundarra Remote Learning Expectations are on our website if you need to refer to them.

  1. Teachers will upload work onto Seesaw daily.
  2. Your child will be marked as attending if they have completed work on Seesaw.
  3. Students have SeeSaw codes to log in and parents have access also.
  4. Direct instruction will occur embedded within seesaw tasks.
  5. Staff will be commenting throughout the day on student work, encouraging students as they would in the classroom. NOTE: this may involve students reviewing completed work and editing (as happens in the classroom).
  6. Parents can comment on student work and communicate with staff using SeeSaw.
  7. The school will remain open during the lockdown for students who need supervision due to personal circumstances (Authorised Workers and those deemed vulnerable)
  8. If you believe you qualify for this please contact the school- 5523 4122.
  9. There will be some staff onsite to provide student supervision in small groups.
  10. The school will be open for students to collect what they need for remote learning over the coming days.
  11. If the Lockdown is extended, then we will review instruction methods and add in more Webex class meetings at regular intervals. This is not planned for the next three school days.
  12. Students and staff are reminded to look after their physical and emotional health during this time. Take a break from the screen and get regular fresh air and exercise.

As usual, we will receive further updates from the Department of Education. If this includes additional information we’ll be in contact as soon as possible.

The school will be open from 8:30am daily for phone calls or to enable student access to collect their belongings.

Take care,

Tara Hulonce

Please see the following:

Term 3 2021 Letter to Families – Remote Learning

16.7.21 covid update home

Update 3/6/2021- return to ON SITE

Ngata- We are delighted that tomorrow we’re back ON SITE at Bundarra! Woo-hoo! 😊😊😊

We’re awaiting DET guidelines, but at this stage we can confirm:

  • school visitors are limited to essential allied health and contractors.
  • all adults will need to wear masks inside and outside.
  • QR codes to be used by all visitors to the school regardless of length of time at school.
  • there will be no whole school assembly or schoolwide sporting events.
  • no After School Sports (Sporting Schools- previously on Monday after school)
  • no Student Support Group meetings on site.
  • and no parents on site, 😥 until we get confirmation on next steps.

But… we are back!

And hopefully we’ll be able to soon get back to Kupa Ngal activities across classrooms, Assemblies, Parent reading helpers, Working bees and meetings on site. We are so looking forward to Student Led Conferences, so hopefully we’ll be able to hold these in the last week of term (Wednesday 23rd June, 2021).

Looking forward to seeing lots of smiling children and happy “masked up” adults tomorrow!

Mrs Hulonce💛💙🧡💚💜🖤

Update 28/5/2021- Once again we are in lockdown.

Only students with essential worker parents are eligible to attend ON SITE LEARNING- the government definition of this…

210527 – 7 Day Circuit Breaker Restrictions

Flexible and remote learning- Online 

We use the following platforms for online content:

  • Online learning platform (accessing student work)
  • Communication and video conferencing- WebEx


SeeSaw is used to upload student lessons, assignments and activities. It is a digital portfolio of students’ daily learning. Students can log-in to participate in class activities, view work, retrieve homework, submit their own journal work and view and comment on other students’ work. There are no live class chats.  Students cannot post work without teacher approval.

Student access – can see their information (including feedback and assessment provided by teachers) and their parent’s responses to approved assessment. Cannot submit content without teacher approval.

Teacher access – creates student accounts, provides students with their individual home learning text code (or QR Code). Authorises parents/guardians to view information in their child’s journal. Creates activities (either text or recorded voice instructions), and approves submitted assessments and journal work, provides feedback to student in relation to their work and consider parent comments

Parent access – can view and comment on their own child’s classwork, photos and/or journal work through the SeeSaw Family app. They must download and create their own account.

Student information used – first name (or initial), last name, class and CASES ID – this enables teachers to identify and give feedback to individual students and identify the classroom which they are accessing and are grouped under. Unique identifier required to ensure digital portfolio follows students as they move through year levels.

Parent information used – parent name and email address. This enables teachers to identify parent and ‘invite’ parent to create their own account in the SeeSaw Family app.

Their classroom (run by classroom teacher and supported by ES staff)

  • The Arts (ART)- Mrs Down
  • Health and PE- Mr O’Connell
  • Digital Design and Technologies- Mrs Wombwell

Communication and activities will be designed by these staff, complete with assessment and feedback components. Individual staff are each responsible for their own students so you can communicate directly with staff online using Seesaw or WEBEX or over the phone.

Taking great photos of your schoolwork!

We love seeing your work go onto Seesaw and sometimes we can’t read it. This is sad as we are very proud of the work you are doing from home.

Please have a read of these guidelines so we can see your awesome work more clearly!


How to download Seesaw

SEESAW student instructions

Communication and video conferencing- WEBEX

Webex is the videoconferencing solution that the Department of Education and Training offers all Victorian government schools.

Here are instructions on how to access Webex meetings provided by your teacher using your internet browser.

  1. Your teacher will provide you with a meeting or class number and a meeting password. This will be 9 digits long (e.g. 123 456 789).
  2. Open your internet browser and go to
  3. Enter the meeting number in the ‘meeting information’ field and press ‘Enter’.
  4. Enter the password provided by your teacher, and press ‘Enter’.
  5. Select the ‘Join’ or ‘Join Meeting’ button. If you see a pull-down arrow on the button, click the pull-down and ensure ‘Use web app’ is selected.
  6. When prompted, enter your first name and initial of your last name. Enter an email address. If you don’t have an email address, you can enter your email address or a made-up email address. Just make sure that you include an @ symbol. This email address will not be displayed when you join the meeting, and you will not receive emails from Webex at this address.
  7. Click ‘Join Meeting’.
  8. The session will start. You might be asked to allow your microphone and camera to be used in the session. Click ‘Allow’ then press ‘Skip’ to continue.
  9. Start learning with your peers and teachers, just like at school!
  10. Webex meetings can also be accessed via a desktop application. The instructions above are for browser access, however you can download the desktop application from or when prompted when joining a meeting from the link you have been sent.



Please note some of the online options involve registration as the school has paid for a subscription.

These will have student specific passwords which teachers will have sent home.

Others are free and provided by the online company.

Some are international and will not necessarily contain Australian content.

Some are available as iPad apps also.

Helping children get ready to learn


Remote and Flexible Learning Expectations- updated 27/5/2021

These expectations have been updated in line with new DET guidelines and DFFH directives.


  • Wellbeing of everyone is a priority!
  • Minimum 90 minutes school work a day
  • Staff available online between 9:00-11:00 and 11:30-12:30
  • Staff will be using additional hours to create lesson content, assess student progress and adapt learning accordingly.
  • Parent/ Staff communication will only be through WEBEX and 5523 4122.
  • You can forward questions to class teachers using chat service on WEBEX and staff will respond when able within a timely fashion.
  • Student assessment will be directly linked to each learning activity, as usual. This info will not come to parents, teachers will ensure accurate records linking activity to assessment to teacher judgements.
  • Parents and Students will have signed the “Bundarra Code of Conduct” prior to working online. These expectations are to be met at all times.
  • All Students will have signed the “ICT Acceptable Use Agreement” prior to working online. We will adhere to these expectations at all times.
  • Please note: this is all new, and we are all upskilling to ensure this works as seamlessly as possible.


  • Friday 28th May will be a PUUPIL FREE DAY. For staff to contact families to ensure we all have SeeSaw and WebEx downloaded.
  • From Monday 31st May, 2021 we will move to online learning with all who can until Thursday 3rd June, 2021.



Learning from home: